09 avril 2007

Intellectuellement sexy ?

Haughty Intellectual

You are :
57% Rational,
0% Extroverted
42% Brutal
57% Arrogant.

You are the Haughty Intellectual. You are a very rational person, emphasizing logic over emotion, and you are also rather arrogant and self-aggrandizing. You probably think of yourself as an intellectual, and you would like everyone to know it. Not only that, but you also tend to look down on others, thinking yourself better than them. You could possibly have an unhealthy obsession with yourself as well, thus causing everyone to hate you for being such an elitist twat. On top of all that, you are also introverted and gentle. This means that you are just a quiet thinker who wants fame and recognition, in all likelihood. Like so many countless pseudo-intellectuals swarming around vacuous internet forums to discuss worthless political issues, your kind is a scourge upon humanity, blathering and blathering on and on about all kinds of boring crap. If your personality could be sculpted, the resulting piece would be Rodin's "The Thinker"--although I am absolutely positive that you are not nearly as muscular or naked as that statue. Rather lacking in emotion, introspective, gentle, and arrogant, you are most certainly a Haughty Intellectual! And, most likely, you will never achieve the recognition or fame you so desire! But no worries!

Link: The Personality Defect Test

0% Extrovertie ?! Ouais, c'est probablement pour cela que je tiens un blog dans lequel je partage mon univers érotique ... pft !

(merci Mlle V)

4 commentaires:

Léa a dit...

Hippie (Trop fine fnalement!)

You are 14% Rational, 71% Extroverted, 28% Brutal, and 0% Arrogant.

You are the Hippie! Characterized by a strong sense of extroversion, irrationality, gentleness, humility, and a faint scent of marijuana, you no doubt frolic through fields preaching peace and free love! Immediately following that, you then frolic to the hospital with herpes! You are probably either very spiritual or needlessly paranoid about "the man", like most hippies, as a result of your focus on intuition and feelings over cold, brutal logic. You probably enjoy poetry, especially beatnik ultra-liberal crap about how horrible fascism is, even though your suburbanized, sheltered idea of "fascism" is having to pay two dollars per gallon at the gas pump. You are also very, very social. And like any hippie who would have no qualms about hitchiking across the country just to meet some interesting people, you also love to interact with others, even complete strangers. Though I highly doubt they love to interact with you! Because we know most any hippie is peace-loving and humble, it stands to reason that you, as well, are terribly gentle and humble, almost to the point of revulsion. Your carefree attitude of peace and harmony is probably very, very sickening to realists or cynics or anyone who isn't a hippie, to tell the truth. In short, your personality is defective because you are overly emotional, extroverted, gentle, and humble--thus making you an annoying hippie. Now go do your drugs and have sex with filthy bearded men in tye dye shirts.

To put it less negatively:

1. You are more INTUITIVE than rational.

2. You are more EXTROVERTED than introverted.

3. You are more GENTLE than brutal.

4. You are more HUMBLE than arrogant.

QUOI!!!!!?????? Ahhhh bin...

SexySoda a dit...

Ouf ! on semble à des kilomètres sur ce coup là ... Quoique je me garde une petite réserve sur les résultats on n epeut plus douteux pour ma part

calinours37 a dit...

You are 28% Rational, 85% Extroverted, 42% Brutal, and 14% Arrogant.
youpi pour une fois je bas caro
ses peut être pas une bonne chose après tous ???

Mystic Haze a dit...

Moi ca disait que j'étais super fine et douce..:p Artiste qui reve tout le temps hehehehe